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"Summer Bliss", one of my better works.

Hi, I’m Julian!

I am an engineer in media and communications technology, software developer and open-source enthusiast with a special focus on self-hosting, devops, image processing, hardware and network utilities.

When I’m not sitting in front of my laptop or some server equipment, I like to touch grass in the outside world. In my free time, I enjoy cycling, geocaching, camping and hiking as well as some occasional photography (Warning, Meta Inc.!!) as a creative outlet.

This site is purely private and should not be taken as serious as I don’t take it as serious myself. Feel free to look around through my content if you’d like.

On this site you may find some irregular writeups of some of my projects.

graph LR; A[create a blog]-->B[write posts about deploying that blog]; B-->C[profit]
Ignorance is bliss